When you’re in the process of selling your home, consider what you look for when buying a home. In order to get a buyer to make a purchase, they must feel an emotional tie to the home. Factors like location and price play a prominent part, but by appealing to a buyers’ emotions you’re putting the icing on the cake. An emotional pull is likely to outweigh other factors. One of the easiest ways to create that connection is by creating an inviting sensory experience.
The sense of smell might be the most impactful of all the senses. Think about your own life, do certain smells conjure up both happy and sad memories. Smell can transport you to a different time and place. As a home seller you can use this to your advantage. Start by thoroughly cleaning your home; steam clean carpets, air out closed off rooms and invest in lightly scented air fresheners (be cautious of anything too bold). Pay attention to anything that can cause an unpleasant odor, like garbage cans and dirty laundry, and make sure these areas are cleaned before an open house or showing. If you have notice of an open house or showing, consider baking homemade goodies. Accompany the treats with a handwritten note inviting the guests to sit, relax and enjoy. The aroma and hand written note will make the potential buyer feel right at home and hopefully remind them of fond memories associated with the scent.
On that same note, taste can also be used as a way to build an emotional connection. Set out coffee, fresh baked goods, fruit or even candy. This can help buyers to feel comfortable and leave them with a pleasant impression.
Another way to relax and make a potential buyer feel at home is through music. Like the sense of smell,sound can also have a positive (or negative) impact on a potential buyer. Keep music low so you’re not disrupting the buyer, but consider playing soft, upbeat melodic music in the background.
Never underestimate the sense of sight. Like scent, this can be a very powerful sensory trigger. Look at the outside of your home. What kinds of emotions does it bring up? Be sure that your lawn is up kept and your exterior looks inviting. Inside the home, remove any clutter and have toys packed away neatly if you have children. Because you want the buyer to see themselves in your home, remove any family photos to create a clean slate. Visualization is easier for the buyer in a tidy and neutral environment.
Lastly, don’t forget about your sense of touch. If there’s a surface in your house that looks unpleasant to touch, this will be an unattractive quality to your buyers. Make sure surfaces are dusted and any other kind of grime or residue is removed. Happy selling!